О себе

Hello everyone,

I ma Tharanga Mananduwa, I'm a Creative graphic Designer. I have my own company WAVEads. and I am also publisher from Sri Lanka. And as you may have seen from the covers I have many interest. I am always looking for photographers, models, re-touchers and the like. I have tried to get an account on MM but since I am a publisher I am not welcomed.

I got started in publishing about five years ago and I really enjoy it. I tend to get bored fast so this industry allows me to do different things everyday. I am honest and open with my staff and am always eager to hear new ideas. So if you have any let me know.

I am fortunate to have some great people behind me so I have decided to launch our newest magazine because I think it is the right time. Bare with me on it because we are still getting the website and what not done.

I look forward to hearing from all of you soon.

Have a great day!



09 Jun 15 08:14
Nice work
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