Brian Gilmore
 Смотреть фотографии (21)

Вступить:25 Jun 2012
Последние:18 Feb 2016

О себе

Below are many of the answers to questions about working with me if you are interested. Currently I am only looking for female models.

Nudity (Gets priority):
I am currently looking for models comfortable with any level of nudity from IMPLIED ONLY, to FULL NUDE. ***IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH AT LEAST IMPLIED NUDITY, PLEASE MAKE THIS CLEAR IF YOU CONTACT ME OR RESPOND TO A SHOOT OFFER***. Nudes are where my heart is because I love to create images of the feminine form revealed. It also happens to be where the money is at if you are looking for greater compensation. I have no preferences of body types etc. I simply want to make the most beautiful or striking images possible of any unadorned feminine form. If you have tattoos, piercings, scars or anything out of the ordinary going on with the form of your flesh then I am totally game. If you just happen to be only perfect Playboy model material, then sure what the heck, I guess you’ll do. If you are comfortable with nudes then fantastic! Especially if you have done them before. If not, but you would like to try at least IMPLIED nude then that is fine too! The first 2 images in my port are examples of what I would call implied nude. I will only ask you to present as much of your skin and body as you are comfortable with, but no more. I am very clear and literal in my discussions of skin exposure. I feel like I make my models feel comfortable and confident working with me. Keep in mind you are of course welcome to bring an escort. I do not make models sign up front release forms. I do not use photos without your permission, ever. My reputation is everything to me and my reputation is good.

Compensation (Better than TFCD):
I do not require payment from the models I choose to work with but nor do I compensate models with cash outlays. If you submit our work separately to a third party site for sale, please advise. I am happy to work with the terms most major sites offer in compensating both model and photographer. Here are the terms for all other image sales: If we sell the images, then we will BOTH receive the profit from them. This will not net you any cash out of my pocket up front, but your time spent sitting for me could potentially end up in as an investment that could land you much more money than you might receive if you were paid your own standard hourly rate or even scale. Imagine for example what would happen if your images became iconic, like Betty Page’s amateur photos did. Profit sharing with me means you get a percentage of any profit made. Unlike most photographers who make you sign a general release of the photos making them the sole owners, I instead give you a percentage royalty for every sale I make of your images (if I make any sales at all). This is much better than a simple TFP/CD arrangement where you stand to make no money at all from the images. I am happy to do TFCD, but why would you waste the chance to make some coin? Standard exchange with me as of this writing is 60% to the seller. Meaning if you sell it; you get 60%. If I sell it; you get 40%. You are encouraged to market the images we make together. Just please return my %40 is all I ask.

Rights to Images (You keep the rights):
I also absolutely respect your wishes regarding your own images and will not distribute nor sell any images that you have not released for sale. Even after you have released images for sale, you can terminate such a release at anytime by notifying me that you wish for me to stop distribution or sale. (Obviously, if an image has already been released or sold to others, I can only stop my own distribution of it). You will always be welcome to promote and sell your own images, however as we own the images jointly, I will expect my agreed upon percentage just as I will always give you yours if I sell.

Standard Practices:
If I have never worked with you before, I will want to do a test shoot in a home studio first. One of the main purposes of this shoot is to establish your reliability. Escorts are welcome as long as they are not disruptive or intrusive. If we establish a rapport, then we may plan a more elaborate location shoot. This may involve using a makeup artist or hair person if I can bring them in. I am always looking for great locations or concepts so don't be shy in suggesting any of your ideas. I am courteous and hopefully a lot of fun to work with. If you are not comfortable with any level of nudity, not even implied nudity, then please expect that I will be offering to take your pictures at my current rate per set, since your pictures will not service the portfolio I am currently trying to build.

Additional Rules Regarding Escorts:
For the first time ever after 100’s of shoots, I just recently found I need to publish a few rules about model escorts:

1) If I tell your escort they are not allowed to do something, for example; bring and use their own camera, no means no. I will not argue with anyone, but I may and probably will kill the shoot.
2) If your escort behaves in any way that makes me feel uncomfortable or brings any negativity to my shoot, I will kill the shoot. (For example, complaining about item 1 above).
3) As a model, please choose an escort that YOU are completely comfortable working in front of and with.

I am a big fan of model escorts. Most all have been a joy to work with in my experience. I would never tell a model not to bring an escort, however that said, I have no problem killing a shoot at any point due to misbehavior or even just a bad attitude from an escort. I CANNOT work with negativity in the room.
In return, I promise you that from you will always get a positive attitude from me as I believe this should be fun! I am professional, but I never want to feel our photo shoots are work. 0

Current Objectives:
As for as photographic styles, I am open to any needs a given portfolio might have but primarily looking to shoot vintage nude pinup, artistic nude, fetish art and erotic art. I love gothic noir, vintage kitsch, tattoos and all the aesthetics that are their cousins. I love working with models comfortable in sexually charged poses and attitudes.

One shoot I would love to do at least once would be to create a series could be submitted to or GodsGirls or DeviantNation et al., but I do not present myself as one of their photographers nor currently represent any of them in any way. My profile here is not meant as any sort of work advertisement but as means of contacting me. If you like my work and ideas and would like to collaborate, then by all means feel free to contact me, whether you model, do makeup or have fashion/product/promotion to showcase.


Brian's 6 of the Simplest Things a Model Can Do to Be Better Than 90% of the Competition.

Face it, modeling is competitive. You need every edge you can get. Here are some tips from a photographer'€™s point of view that will set you above most of the rest. They are things that anyone can do. They do not depend on your genetics like so much of modeling seems to. These are the things that professionals know but new models, especially if they are working as TFP/CD or profit share, seem to often not think are important because they are not getting paid cash. What they overlook is that in these type of shoots, sometimes you are working for the recommendation more than the images. Photographers will not recommend amateurs to other professionals unless they see the amateur works with professional ethic. So here they are:

1) Record or memorize your shoot date and time.
If you don’t use a paper day planner, PDA or cell phone calendar. Get one and use it. The most important thing to remember is to look at it daily at the least. Look at both today, tomorrow and the rest of the week. Never let a shoot day hit you as a surprise.

2) Know where the shoot is 24 hours in advance.
Obviously get the address. Google maps are the best. Learn and use an onboard nav system if you have one and know how. Or if you are just more comfortable, MapQuest, GoogleMaps. Last resort, call and ask for directions.

3) Plan your time in the few hours before the shoot and watch the clock.
Your professional photographer is doing the same. He is setting up lighting and checking equipment. This seems to be the one MOST over looked by new models. They get busy or let the clock get away from them. Then they have to make the call that they are "running late"€. If you actually plan your time and show up 15 minutes early, watch the reaction of your photographer! He will remember you as punctual and will feel quite free to recommend you to others. This is such a simple thing to do to get ahead. Some models seem to have no problem calling to postpone and show up hours after a shoot time. They will get their TFP/CD images sure, but probably no recommendation until reliability is demonstrated somehow in the future.

4) Know when to text vs. when to call.
Texting is great, but it has it'€™s place. It is a passive form of communication. Calling is active. If you have a simple message or question and it is over 24 hours till shoot time. Text it. You don'€™t need to call. If it is a question that needs a detailed answer, like "what should I bring"€, then call or email. Don't expect your photographer to text answers to questions that you know require in depth answers on his little phone to you. Also if it is 24 hours prior to the shoot, odds are you should probably put down texting and start dialing.

5) Stay on the Radar; call frequently and stay in touch.
Call when you are leaving for the shoot. Call when you are near. Text this info only if there is some special reason you can't call.

6) If must cancel, cancel without being a flake.
Your regular job changes your shift 2 days before the shoot; No problem! Just call and reschedule, BUT HAVE A NEW DATE READY IF POSSIBLE. Don'€™t call last minute unless you have no other option and the conflict is big. Again, propose a new time that you think has the best odds of working for you. Take rescheduling seriously. Do not reschedule for small reasons. Especially because you didn't follow tip number 3! NEVER just no-show with no call, text or email. You will NOT get a recommendation and most likely will not get another shoot time booked. Knowing this, there should be no reason to book time that you don’t fully intend to appear for. You waste your photographer'€™s time and most certainly your own.

Do these things are you will already be ahead of the pack. I promise! 0

