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Вступить: | 13 Sep 2009 |
Последние: | 25 Sep 2013 |
Jon Da Vid
but I hang my hat in Lubbock, Texas
Currently in Amarillo
IS URL: http://istudio.com:8080/jondavid
IS #:18212
О себе

I have enjoyed looking at the world thru the back of a camera now for over 30 years and the successes that have come along with it. I can still remember my first album cover, the first time I was published. Tracy's excitement when she learned that she had landed the front cover of Vogue. Nothing excites me more than the expression on one of my subjects face, the twinkle in their eyes, the gasping for air, when they see their photo's for the first time and say "That - that really is me, isn't it?" That is all the reason I need, to do what I do.

While this is surely a passion of mine, it is also a job and my only source of income, so I am only accepting paid shoots. My rates are very good, and I am very generous with my time. I can produce ZED/Comp cards and CD/DVD slide shows as well as anything else you might need.

Other Links:

~ a list of veteran photographers dedicated to helping "new" models build their portfolios. Current international membership is 600+.
Yes, I have them, just ask. Some of the more recent ones are a 4pg layout as Top Photographer in February 08 issue of Modeling International Magazine (below) and again in the June issue as well. In fact, I shot the cover for the May 08 Issue. Also, the centerfold for Hub City Magazines Premier Edition.

Thank you for looking at my port. I hope you enjoyed your view.

Thank you for looking at my port. I hope you enjoyed your view.