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Вступить: | 12 Jul 2010 |
Последние: | 18 Jan 2012 |
Legio X Studios
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Jim Bunker's Official Studios Site
IS URL: http://istudio.com:8080/legioxstudios
IS #:159582
О себе
Welcome to my iStudio portfolio .
My name is Jim B and do my work under LegioX Studios Located in Kenosha WI. For everyone who's mind just jumped to the conclusion that it's a porn studio you couldn't be further from reality. I came up with the name after doing years of studying ancient Roman culture. I wanted my studio to have a structure and a direction. So I themed my studios after the 10th Legion of Gaius Julius Cæsar. Hence the name. 10th Legion Studios (English) = Legio-X Studios (Latin)
I take pride in every photo I produce. I remember darn near everyone and every photo I have ever taken. Over 2400 models / muse / ordinary folk in the past 10 years. This is way beyond a hobby. I have made photography and working with people my passion. For many years I have also made it my sole income as well.
I really care about people and I want to produce the most unique and treasured photographs and art that I can. In the end as I fade into history my art will remain along with the memories of your individual experience with me.
As far as what i shoot and who i work with and why...
Im pretty well diverse in my shooting, I keep everything between rated G and rated R although I have a Madonna streak in me and might dance on the edges time to time. I am always upfront with my wants and desires for a shoot and at the same time anxious for you to tell me what you want. I am not afraid of shooting nudity (male or female), But i don't have to shoot nudity either. I take a mythotical approach to my relationships with models. I want to know who Im working with and unlock the true desires and potential and maximize the bond that is essential for us to create truely unique images just between you and me. At times that process is bumpy but well worth it. I am good with photoshop and well versed with HDR images. I can shoot Glamour, Glamour Nude, Artistic, Artistic Nude, Headshots, Casual, Silly Themed, Concepts ( I love concepts) and pretty much everything else a camera can capture. I love telling stories with my art and works. I truely want to see you get the best images I can create, You deserve it that way.
Now for the rules...
Sometimes I pay
Sometimes I get Paid
Sometimes I trade
I take 2 full weeks from the shoot date to turn around edited photos
I Only deliver edited photos (you'll never see unedited photos)
*Unless you see them on MY computer
I deliver all the photos that were great or higher
*Which means if we had 3 great photos you get 3 back
*Or if we had 150 great photos your getting 150 back
Copyright... I willingly share the copyright with the models out of respect to you
*But before screaming copyright laws at me, be sure you are current on the National copyright laws!!! You may be surprised at the written law!!
There are a few more but you can read all about me and my studio at www.legioXstudios.com.
I Look forward to meeting you and working with you.
Jim B
Cell - 262-914-5052
Facebook - Jamey Bunker
Previously used names
APT Studios
APTek Studios
Linus Williams (Actually my stage name still, but I only use it in Film)
* I am still very into the Film industry and the Entertainment industry as a whole
* I still manage talent from the Modeling world and Acting world
- If interested please inquire
* Need printed media? Headshots, Comp Cards, Mini Comps/Business Cards
- Please inquire
* Need knowledge? I will teach Camera techniques, Directing, Photoshop, Flow, Processes, and the road map to both sides of the entertainment industry
(Internet and Real world)(both need each other but operate separately)
- Please inquire
* Need peace of mind? I was born to provide comfort. I listen very well and provide real, sound, advice. Some use photoshoots as a type of therapy for many reasons ie. self assurance, just to vent in a secure environment etc
- Please inquire
* Need to stop reading my Bio?
-Then click on my pictures and get to viewing and enjoying!!!!
- I look forward to hearing from you! Stop reading and start planing our shoot

13 Jul 10 22:10
Thanks for the friend request. LOVE LOVE LOVE your port!
Thanks for the friend request. LOVE LOVE LOVE your port!
12 Jul 10 21:06
Welcome to iStudio! Interesting gallery
Welcome to iStudio! Interesting gallery