реквизиты | |
Вес: | 120 lbs |
Цвет волос: | Блондин(ка) |
Длинна волос: | Средней длины |
Цвет глаз: | светло-карие |
Национальность : | Кавказский |
цвет кожи: | Загорелая |
Опыт работы: | большой опыт |
Компенсация: | только за оплату |
Информация | |
Вступить: | 17 Aug 2010 |
Последние: | 11 Sep 2013 |
Steph A
37 года
IS URL: http://istudio.com:8080/krystalann
IS #:1131029
О себе
06 Jul 11 20:01
Gorgeous! Keep up the great work!
Gorgeous! Keep up the great work!
11 Mar 11 09:52
Would love to work with you!
Would love to work with you!
28 Oct 10 12:46
Best of luck to you as you continue building your career as a model. I look forward to seeing what you'll create next!!
Best of luck to you as you continue building your career as a model. I look forward to seeing what you'll create next!!
21 Oct 10 22:37
YOUR gorgeous :) http://www.facebook.com/proshotphoto
YOUR gorgeous :) http://www.facebook.com/proshotphoto
12 Oct 10 07:13
magnificent port, ps, any time u pass by mtl squezze me as next in ur previous schedule for a shoot by dropping me a line.
magnificent port, ps, any time u pass by mtl squezze me as next in ur previous schedule for a shoot by dropping me a line.
07 Oct 10 02:32
Great work on here.
Great work on here.
21 Sep 10 04:07
great look
great look
16 Sep 10 15:20
Impressive port! you are gorgeous!
Impressive port! you are gorgeous!
14 Sep 10 01:23
Thanks for the add,really dig you're port
Thanks for the add,really dig you're port
19 Aug 10 18:49
Just my luck! You were in AZ and I missed you! Yea do that let me know next time! LOL
Just my luck! You were in AZ and I missed you! Yea do that let me know next time! LOL