Steve Lambert - Yellow Shirt
 View Photos (5)

Join:12 Jan 2010
Last:17 May 2012

About Me

Photography is a medium that tells a visual story. I use people, places, things in my photoessays to convey a story- it could be a life event, an ad campaign, or just a memory of when children played. My photography incorporates elements of fine art, photojournalism, and glamour photography. I like to work with daylight and landscape as the backdrop as opposed to studios, unless there is a specific project that calls for a specific type of setting. I start with the basics- headshots(over 18) are probably the most basic starting point. Then, I go for the wardrobe/makeup/setting. I work with product photography, fine art, glamour and portraiture. I would like to add some edgier photography to my portfolio- goth scenes, halloween, etc.

I will work TCP if there is a specific interest for me; something has to be intriguing for me to add to my portfolio. I also work very reasonably...and will go the extra mile to see that you are satisfied with my work.

You may contact me on the cell: 614.282.6881 to schedule a shoot/project.

I also encourage shooting me an email, since I like to have a way of remembering our conversation in the form of an email. I'm

I hope we can work together soon.