Meagan Natalie
 View Photos (10)

 Imperial (lbs/in.)
 Metric (kg/cm.)
Weight:124 lbs
Hair Color:Black
Hair Length:Very Long
Eye Color:Brown
Ethnicity :Caucasian
Skin Color:Olive
Compensation:Depends on Assignment
Join:2 Jan 2011
Last:2 Jan 2011

About Me

Looking for a print, fashion, commercial, runway work. Would like to work with professional photographers too! Hair shows and events-very interested in.

Represented by an International Agency.


Sassi Bikini Swimwear Model
Spanish Magazine Model (
Ten Penny Ale Promotions Model
John Casablancas Runway School


04 Jan 11 09:42
Hi Meagan, welcome to iStudio! :O) Pietro
03 Jan 11 02:05
Welcome to iStudio. Wish you lived in my area so we could shoot.
03 Jan 11 01:30
Hi Meagan and welcome to iStudio. You have some very nice images in your port and I look forward to seeing more as your port developes. Jeff.......
02 Jan 11 18:24
Welcome Meagan to iStudio, nice photos
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