
This is not my job.

I don't take my photography too seriously.

My only goal in my photography sessions it to have fun and good images are bound to follow.

My primary focus is studio photography. I appreciate the control I have over the lighting to create the effects I’m trying to achieve. I am branching out to location photography including beach sunset, homes, and parks. I’m always looking for locations to add a different theme to the shoot. I’m open to almost anything but the threat of arrest.

My forte is reflection photography. The reelections add a lush and intimate feel to the images that work very well from formal outfits to nothing at all. The shoots are always tailored to the model’s comfort level.

If you contact me for a shoot then I will assume it is a trade or for pay. A trade shoot needs to be shot as to benefit both of us (some of what I want to do and some of what you want to do). I usually try to limit my TF shoots to two a month and paid shoots always take priority. I always use a MUA for my shoots and for trade shoots I will expect the model to pay the kit fee of $25 and I will pay the rest.

I enjoy working with models that can bring a variety of poses and expressions to the mix and to those models willing to go into the shoot with a spirit of collaboration in order to achieve the best results.

