
Facebook Group:
Staff Photographer & Writer:

I hate to have to type this - Please don't add me as a friend if you 1. Don't know me. 2. Haven't chatted directly with me about work or socially or 3. Live in the Tampa area and want to network. I'm tired of people with 2000 friends trying to add me to be popular. Please don't waste my time.

Interested in anything from headshots to craziness - location OR studio, shoot me a message!

I feel that nothing is more powerful than a great photograph.


I have not yet worked with a model I won't recommend to others! I've been lucky! Feel free to message me for references!


11 Sep 10 17:50
Welcome To iStudio Scott............I sent you a request cuz I like your work!
11 Sep 10 08:51
Hi & Welcome! :@) Pietro
10 Sep 10 20:45
Just visiting your page to say hi and welcome! Please let me know if you're ever in need of assistance retouching your images