Xem hình ảnh (6)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:2 Feb 2011
Ngày gần nhất:13 Dec 2011

Về tôi

Looking for aspiring photographers who have ready concept and a team to work with. Do drop me a text if you're keen.
I am also freelancing for a few agencies at the moment.

Past Jobs.
Castrol - Print
Barclay Golf Open - Print
Flesh Imp Fashion -(Online Store)
Nike street soccer - Print
SG Art Festival - Print
EDM Lifestyle shoot - Print
STUFF Mens Magazine. Adidas Golf. May 2010 Issue - Editorial
IBM World Cities Summit - Events.
MINI Cooper at Millenia- Events

Currently, very interested in
- High Fashion Shoot and Editorial work.

Nonetheless, if you have any interesting ideas or concept you would like to work with, do let me know as well. I am open to all suggestions. =)

And finally,
If you're a photographer or some1 who's interested to widen your contacts, feel free to send me a friend request.


Tín chỉ

List of ppl i've worked with

Shirley Zhong #1506871
KK Liau
Vincent Liau
Felix Tham #1701041
Jeanette Mok #1338883
Koh Dawn
pfurr #900378
KP Chua #1317089
Designerwhere #544530

Esther Leong #1614298
Priscilla Ang #1205246
Daniel Tan YQ #1393168

Sanlia #1493593
Jo Koh #507195