Bronek Kozka
 Xem hình ảnh (20)

Thông tin
Ngày tham gia:11 Mar 2012
Ngày gần nhất:24 Dec 2012

Bạn bè
Admin - iStudio Admin
Anna Renata

Về tôi

Photographer, commercial, love diversity and pushing my work into new areas and levels....I also am involved in exhibiting my work on a regular basis. There is a central theme that runs through most of my more recent work, that is memory and remembered moments. In this exhibition I will be continuing my journey or exploration of memory.

While my earlier works connected viewers with more general or “collective” memories the pictures made for this series come from a more personal place. The specifics of events and ones memory of those events, is always very individual, however, through the sharing of memories, the telling of stories and in my case the “re-staging” they (memories) enter the collective. In some cases these are inspired by family stories or photographs.

The suburban landscape, be it outdoors or interiors, is the staging ground for my “re-enactments”. This is the environment where my history was created and I provides a common denominator for others to access the work. Through elaborate tableaux photographs, I explore memory and remembered moments of growing up in suburbia. I portray ‘memory’ by playing on the ambiguity of fact and fiction in our ability to recall a scene or happening. These photographs are partly truth and partly myth and explore how memory can confuse, and also assure one’s construct of a story. … nek-kozka/ … d=42461718

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