Jacob Glascock
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Цвет волос:Брюнет(ка)
Длинна волос:Длинные
Цвет глаз:зеленые
Национальность :Индейская
цвет кожи:Загорелая
Опыт работы:Небольшой опыт
Компенсация:только за оплату
Вступить:8 Nov 2012
Последние:26 Mar 2013

О себе

Hi, my name is Jacob Glascock and I am going to be 24 in June. I feel like I have learned things so early on, that for some people takes a lifetime.I am a positive person and strive to be a positive influence on and bring joy to everyone I interact with. I have gained much wisdom from life , now it’s all about practicing joy and living positive principles.

I am a Native American and Scottish mix and have a very versatile look.I am open to extra and acting jobs of all typesI am looking for modeling jobs of all types as a way to make a living.I have people coming up to me constantly telling me I look like or should be a model or actor so I decided to give it a try! I am open to all genres and am willing to travel for gigs.

My smile is my gift to the world, so I am glad to help you!

