Leah Ann
 Смотреть фотографии (5)

 Параметры в(фунт/дм.)
 Параметры в(кг/см.)
Вес:140 lbs
Параметры:36-32-40 in
Размер обуви:8
Цвет волос:Шатенк(ка)
Длинна волос:По плечи
Цвет глаз:голубые
Национальность :Кавказский
цвет кожи:Белая
Опыт работы:большой опыт
Вступить:11 Jul 2004
Последние:7 Apr 2016

HB Models Management and Marketing - @GloTaylorr www.glotaylor.com
Silvia Winters

О себе

A Friendly Free-Spirit With A Rock n Roll Attitude!

I live in Hollywood, I travel to Philly/NYC frequently.
Nashville and Phoenix occasionally.

I am pursuing my dreams of acting, modeling, hosting, and writing. I am exploring my creativity, and opening my heart and soul wider every day.

I love, a lot. I believe in true love, and I believe in healing all of the hurt we experience in our lives into something beautiful..in this case a photograph.

I love photos.
I love to take photos.
I love to be in photos.

My mother has photos of me, about age 3, standing in front of a full-length mirror, in a diaper, watching myself cry... knowing full-well I was being photographed. It's a beautiful shot.

Wanna create something beautiful together?

I like the dark, the ocean, the woods, fashion, on locations, night, cute, couples, friends, edgy... u name it.
Very interested in Print Work, Billboards, etc. I am very easy to work with, laid back, and professional.

Let me be your muse...

Leah Ann .