Lauren WK
 View Photos (5)

 Imperial (lbs/in.)
 Metric (kg/cm.)
Weight:100 lbs
Measurements:32-25-34 in
Shoe Size:5.5
Hair Color:Blonde
Hair Length:Short
Eye Color:Green
Ethnicity :Caucasian
Skin Color:White
Join:12 Mar 2007

About Me

*In the middle of moving into a new place (yes, in LA). Please be patient while I put my mug collection in the kitchen cabinets and make my new bedroom into the most amazingly adorable place in existence.*

R E C R E A T I O N : Forget what you think you know

Please MESSAGE me, if you would like to discuss a shoot. Do not leave a comment and expect me to track you down. If I do not live near you, I will file your message under the appropriate area and notify you if / when I am planning a trip. I am always willing to travel if costs are covered. Taking on very limited trade work. If you do not specify that you are looking to trade, I will assume you want to hire me.

*Los Angeles (my new home): August 26th - September 30th!

*Austin (Houson, Dallas): Flying in September 30th! Should be there for at least two weeks, but haven't booked return flight, yet.

*New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia areas: December!

*San Francisco, Austin, New York areas: I will be frequenting you on a semi-regular basis! If you are interested in shooting in one of these areas (or any area, really), but don't see specific dates, please message me and I will notify you when I am planning trip.