Sheeanna Singer Designs
 View Photos (19)

Join:27 Jul 2011
Last:9 Aug 2011

About Me

Okay so here goes a little about me. I started Sheeanna Singer Designs myself and have the help of my amazing assistant/concept designer, Ashley. We make a great team, always producing amazing photographs. Photography is my passion, from models and makeup to babies and weddings. I am a naturally gifted artist which I feel translates into my photography. I dont much like traditional photographs, I like different, quirky and amazing.

From this site I would definitely like to gain more experience and networking. I look forward to working with some great models to get my name out there. I dont know if I could pinpoint a style of my own really. I try to look for the things most people wouldnt see, the hidden treasures in photography.

If I have not shot the types of photographs you are looking for I am always willing to try! I love any experience I can catch flying my way! Please feel free to contact me about any shoot ideas, requests, questions etc. We are almost always down for TF work whether is conceptual or just head shots! You can reach me at the following:




Shelly the Skelly - MM# 1702295
Kelly Weigman - MM# 1623625
Chad Wisehart - MM# 1920873
Bea Arce
Liz Litsinger


Smoak'n Kreations - MM# 1813990